
Expanding Current Site-Based Leadership Teams

At the site-level, in the transforming stage of collaborative leadership, major decisions are fully democratic, where processes are made clear and transparent. In addition to School Site and Governance Councils, expanded shared leadership teams are established as informed by the needs and assets of the community and are fully
operationalized. The expanded leadership teams may include but are not limited to parent advisory teams, student leadership groups and instructional teams. The expanded teams have clear purviews and shared agreements and a clear focus of continuous improvement. Transformational leadership teams align their goals, measures and outcomes to the vision and mission of the community school. Decision-making bodies are provided adequate collaboration time including during the school day to focus on possibility-thinking and collective problem-solving.
The following are ways in which distributive leadership can be further operationalized at site-levels, though they are not limited to the following teams:

Instructional Leadership Team

Instructional Leadership Team

Guide the school's instructional focus, they support the implementation and development of community-based-pedagogy to ensure teaching and learning is culturally-sustaining and centered on the needs of students. They advance the school’s vision in the areas of teaching and learning at their community school. The membership of this team can include lead teachers, instructional coaches and administrators and they make collective decisions about curricular materials, instructional strategies and professional development in ways that are aligned to the vision and goals of the school.

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Teams

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Teams

Are site teams that coordinate student and family supports. They identify needs of students across various tiers and subgroups, while ensuring a strong foundational support base for all students. Membership can include school site coordinator, Title 1 Coordinators, counselors, school social workers, psychologist and behavioral support staff and administrators. The team develops clear problem-solving protocols to measure impact and outcomes. Coordination and collaboration can be facilitated by a school-site coordinator, and the team makes decisions about student interventions, supports and coordination of services.

Professional Learning Communities or Grade-Level Teams

Professional Learning Communities or Grade-Level Teams

May span across grades vertically or horizontally, with a specific learning focus. Collaboration can be interdisciplinary or multi-aged, where goals, measures and outcomes are clearly established by the teams. Lead teachers support in facilitating collective problem-solving methods such as plan-do study-act cycles and create the space for possibility thinking and collective problem-solving and improvement. The entire teaching staff is a part of a decision-making team that leads on socio-emotional learning, advisory programs, curriculum and assessment as aligned to the vision and goals of the school.

Operations Teams

Operations Teams

Are site teams that facilitate school-based operational decisions. The membership of this team can include, but is not limited to support staff, cafeteria workers, grounds and maintenance workers, supervision staff, office workers and administrators. They may facilitate decisions that include scheduling, staffing, supervision and school safety.

Parent/Caregiver Advisory Teams

Parent/Caregiver Advisory Teams

Are facilitated by parent leaders of the community school. Parent advisory groups lead on recommendations of instructional programs and school climate and they are composed of parents, caregivers, community representatives, administrators and school coordinators. They can include groups such as English Language Learner Advisory Councils and Student Achievement Plan Advisory Councils etc.

Student Advisory Councils

Student Advisory Councils

Are student leadership groups that provide recommendations on all areas that impact students. Areas of recommendation include but are not limited to school climate, curriculum and learning and access to resources.

Expanded Site-Based Shared Leadership Teams are established or revamped as informed by a deep needs and assets assessment. In the transforming stage, teams are guided by the collective vision of the school.

Site-Based Leadership Team Membership Composition Potential Areas of Impact
School Site Councils, School Governance Council, Site Steering/Advisory Council
Parents/Caregivers, Students, Teachers, Staff, Community Partners
  • Parent Advisory Groups
  • Community Partnerships
  • Elect to work agreements, MOU’s
  • Student Groups
  • Principal selection
  • Budget Decisions
Instructional Leadership Team
Lead Teachers, Instructional coaches, Administrators
  • School instructional focus
  • Professional development
  • Instructional strategies and curriculum
  • Multiple modes of learning and assessment
  • Course offerings
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support Teams
School site coordinators, counselors, social workers, psychologists, School health-workers, Administrators, Advisory and Restorative Justice Leads, Administrators
  • Student supports and interventions
  • Resource integration and alignment
  • Advisory programs
  • Restorative justice practices
  • Parent/family engagement
Professional Learning Communities or Grade Level Teams
Teacher Teams, Paraeducators, Administrators
  • Instructional strategies and curriculum
  • Community-based pedagogy implementation
  • Multiple modes of learning and assessment
  • Inclusion programs and supports for students with disabilities
  • Socio-emotional learning and advisory programs
  • Positive behavioral supports and restorative justice practices
  • Parent/family engagement
Parent Advisory Councils
Diverse parent/caregiver groups, Administrators, Coordinators
  • Provide recommendations in focus areas of the community school such as English Language Learners and Student Achievement Plans
Student Advisory Councils
Diverse groups of students that advise the school on any areas that impact students.
  • School climate
  • Access to resources
  • Learning programs
  • School policies
Operations Team
Support staff, cafeteria workers, grounds and maintenance workers, supervision staff, teachers, counselors, office workers, administrators
  • Scheduling
  • Staffing
  • School climate

Team Mapping Template

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