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A Capacity Building Strategy Across the Stages

The full implementation of collaborative leadership, requires time and concerted efforts. In California Community Schools, The Capacity Building Strategies envision collaborative leadership as evolving across the stages of visioning, engaging and transforming. The following are ways schools and LEA’s can establish shared leadership bodies that share in decision-making authority and are interwoven for increased impact.



Create an implementation team that maps existing teams, identifies leaders, and builds a plan for a deep needs and assets.


Schools launch or revamp school site or governance councils that are diverse in composition and are democratically built.


Expanded shared leadership teams are operationalized. Major decisions are made through democratic engagement and all interest holders have voice in decision making. 


Establish a steering committee or advisory council that is diverse in composition and democratically built.


Develop new ways to learn from sites and community. Establish a Collective Impact Partnership Committee (CIPC) that streamlines resources and increases impact.


The work of steering committees continues to evolve to the changing needs of the community. Students, families, and educators are viewed as equal authentic partners

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