Seeing the Systems: Mapping Current Systems & Existing Teams
To build the capacity of collaborative leadership at school sites, the following exercises can help begin the process of analyzing the existing teams and systems at school sites.
Map Existing Teams
The process of mapping helps teams to understand the community and the context in which the current leadership teams are operating. Mapping teams can support the needs and assets assessment. The process is ideally grounded in a team and facilitated by the community school coordinator. The goal of mapping is to gather information on the ways various teams operate and identify the goals and priorities of the teams. In order to successfully map the school leadership teams, the facilitator at first initiates contact as an observer and listener to assess the health of the group, norms and the work plan of the group. The coordinator builds opportunities to build relationships with the group and can ultimately use the information to provide recommendations for improvement of the leadership teams.
Map Potential Staff, Student, Parent/Caregiver Leaders
The community school coordinator and the existing implementation team begins the
process of identifying potential leaders and allies in the community school strategy. The
coordinator creates opportunities for 1:1 conversations to gauge individual interest,
excitement towards the community school strategy. The strategy of individual
conversations is key in building a shared commitment while also building trust.
Leadership identification provides an entry point in expanding leadership opportunities
for various interest-holders.
Map Existing Staff’s Commitment and Capacity
Prior to implementing a transformational shared leadership team, a community school coordinator and implementation team might also engage in the process of mapping the current staff. This practice will allow the coordinator and implementation team to identify the level of influence, commitment and individual capacity towards the community school strategy. This may also support the coordinator and implementation team in identifying potential entry points in school transformation efforts and value.
Map Current Initiatives, Projects, and Program Goals
Schools map all initiatives, projects and programs currently in place at school sites. Mapping the goals and progress of the existing initiatives can help in identifying potential areas of improvement or ways to streamline efforts for greater impact.