PLLN Recap – February 2024

The image features a gathering of people, at the February PLLN meeting, with the focus on a young woman looking towards the camera. The text overlay reads "Peer Leading & Learning Network Meeting Recap February 2024"




CEI in Santa Clara

In early February, the Community Engagement Initiative held a milestone event, hosting its first combined session for all cohorts. The gathering brought together a vibrant mosaic of 512 participants, spanning educators, students, parents, caregivers, state board members, state agency staff, and community organization representatives. Held over two transformative days, our community focused on deepening our understanding and commitment to Element 4 (Decide Priorities & Goals) and Element 5 (Generate Change Approaches) of the Community Partnerships for Systems Change tool.

Unforgettable Moments and Inspirational Voices

The meeting was punctuated with several unforgettable moments that left a lasting impact on all attendees. A highlight was the powerful spoken word performance by Noa Sanaa (Noelle Miller), a student from the Natomas Unified School District. Noelle’s performance captivated the audience, weaving together the personal and collective narratives that underscore our mission.

Keynote speaker Shane Safir further enriched our gathering, offering profound insights on the significance of “street data.” Shane illuminated the intricate tapestries of student and community lived experiences, urging us to lean into these narratives as a compass for our work. The Kiva Panel, facilitated by Shane, brought forth a compelling exchange of stories from parents and caregivers, deepening our connection to the thematic goals of our meeting.

Empowering Our Future Leaders

A standout feature of this meeting was the leadership session dedicated to our students. A group of 51 young visionaries engaged in discussions around “Student-driven Priorities and Goals,” emphasizing the importance of youth advocacy in educational reform. This session was not only a dialogue but a launchpad for action, culminating in the creation of campaign videos. These videos will serve as a testament to the power of student voices in advocating for a more equitable education system.

A Community’s Reflection

Feedback collected through participant surveys painted a picture of a meeting that was not only well-organized but deeply impactful. Attendees praised the practical strategies, the focus on relationships and community engagement, and the overall motivational atmosphere of the event. The discussions centered around Elements 4 and 5 were highlighted as particularly enlightening, providing a clearer pathway for engaging with our communities meaningfully.

While the feedback was overwhelmingly positive, it also pointed to areas for growth, such as the desire for more collaboration time and improved accessibility for all participants. This constructive feedback is invaluable as we continue to refine and enhance our collaborative efforts.

Looking Ahead

As we reflect on the successes and lessons of the February 2024 CEI PLLN Meeting, we are filled with gratitude for the engagement, energy, and insights shared by each participant. This meeting has not only fortified our collective resolve but has also illuminated the path forward as we strive to build more connected, empowered, and equitable educational communities.

We are excited to share further updates on new resources and collaborative efforts underway. For additional information or inquiries, we welcome you to reach out. Together, we continue to build bridges toward a brighter, more inclusive future for all our learners.

Caregiver Panel Hosted by Shane Safir

Noa Sanaa (Noelle Miller) Interview & PLLN Performance

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