Building Partnerships and Collaborators

How can we make community partners not feel like outsiders? 

A community-based participatory partnership (CBPP) is a collaborative body of individuals and organizations working together on a common goal or issue of importance to the community. It consists of a mutually beneficial relationship where all parties have shared responsibilities, privileges and power (Connors, 2003). 

Key Principles of a Community-Based Participatory Partnership 

  • Has members who share a common vision, mission, goals and values.
  • Has a genuine interest in and commitment to the community.
  • Shows mutual trust and respect for partners.
  • Recognizes the strengths and contributions of all partners.
  • Shares leadership, decision-making power, resources and credit among its members.
  • Ensures that each member of the partnership is treated equally.
  • Fosters a safe environment for clear and open communication that values feedback from all partners.
  • Values the knowledge and expertise of the partners.
  • Believes community input is essential.
  • Is community driven.
  • Values diversity.
  • Understands that relationships take time to develop and that they change over time. Adapted from Community-Campus Partnerships for Health, Principles of Partnership (Connors & Seifer, 2000)


Key Benefits of a Community-Based Participatory Partnership

  • Ensures greater success by involving people most affected by the problem.
  • Creates a collaborative environment and a chance to get to know and network with new partners.
  • Fosters an environment of mutual learning and understanding of members’ strengths, assets and limitations.
  • Provides credibility that may come from working with other partners.
  • Fosters sharing of resources and creative ideas to develop programs to address community needs.
  • Reduces the amount of competing and fragmented services.
  • Increases financial and other resources to the whole partnership or certain group members.
  • Builds community capacity through training and professional development
From "Making Community Partnerships Work: A Toolkit"


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