Our Systems Need an Upgrade

As the world changes and people need more flexibility and capacity out of their digital systems, software creators provide periodic upgrades, like the recent release of Windows 11, or the ever frequent Zoom updates we’ve come to expect on a near weekly basis. These updates allow the systems to provide the value they were designed to deliver.

COVID-19 has revealed glaring problems in our educational systems, problems that, if we are being honest, many of us knew about before 2019. Operating within the conventional constraints of our educational systems, we continually and consistently fail to provide a truly equitable education for our students. We have long struggled to support students in the margins – those facing challenges related to socio-economic status, race, language, disability, and more.

If only our educational system updated itself automatically....

If the COVID-19 pandemic has revealed anything about education in the United States, it's that we need a system upgrade

If we are to provide an education that helps every student thrive, one that addresses barriers presented by circumstances, biology, and social convention, we have to better understand how our students learn. Only then can we reinvent our educational systems to support them – understanding how learning really happens is key to upgrading education.


Reflect on the following or, if you’re working as a team, use this as an opportunity to discuss and process:

Part of reimagining education is deciding what we're not going to do anymore. What might you and your staff stop doing to make room for new mindsets and practices?

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