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Category: CEI Protocol Toolkit

December 22, 2023  |   CEI Protocol Toolkit  |  Relationship Building Power Ball
This protocol builds rapport and strengthens relationships in a fun and interactive process incorporating movement, music, and quotes. It focuses a group on their collective “superpower.”
December 22, 2023  |   CEI Protocol Toolkit  |  Relationship Building Conocimiento
Conocimiento is an inclusion and self-reflection activity most often used at the opening of a meeting. Participants use the time to reflect and share experiences with one another setting the tone for the meeting and building relationships.
December 22, 2023  |   CEI Protocol Toolkit  |  Relationship Building Arthur Aron's 36 Questions
This protocol uses Arthur Aron’s 36 Questions to support relationship building among people. Dr. Aron’s research showed that people who shared responses to the questions became closer and built stronger more trusting relationships.
December 01, 2023  |   Capacity Building  |  CEI Protocol Toolkit TEAM PRESENTATIONS
An interactive activity that allows a team or group to develop a formal presentation and share information with others. It builds leadership and will enable participants to grow in their presentation skills. Topics may vary.
December 01, 2023  |   Capacity Building  |  CEI Protocol Toolkit FIVE WHYS ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS
A critical part of addressing a problem of practice in community engagement is identifying the root causes before trying to solve the problem. The Five Whys Protocol helps teams uncover underlying causes by drilling down into the reasons.
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