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Protocol Toolkit Item: 2a


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An interactive activity that allows a team or group to develop a formal presentation and share information with others. It builds leadership and will enable participants to grow in their presentation skills. Topics may vary.


Computer with presentation software, access to internet Presentation expectations or rubric Projector for presentation Notetaking template 


? Minutes


Facilitators should prepare a document that clearly outlines the purpose and expectations for the team presentation. Expectations for the presentation content and timeframe should be included. If desired, a formal rubric can be developed and will help guide your teams. If time is limited or teams are very new to using presentation software such as PowerPoint or Google Slides, facilitators may choose to provide a presentation template that participants can fill in. The length of time this protocol takes depends on the expectations for the presentation. Presentations that are longer in length will also require more planning time. This protocol can be done in one 90-minute session if presentations are very short and there are only a few teams to present. Or this protocol may be completed over multiple meetings.  If participants need more experience with being part of a formal presentation, it may be helpful to start with shorter presentations. For example, in CEI, teams developed short presentations sharing about their districts and schools and sharing their current community engagement efforts. Later, teams developed longer presentations that shared strengths, areas of growth, a problem of practice, and the team’s progress (successes/barriers) in addressing the problem of practice. While this protocol provides opportunities for participants to build capacity in using a computer to develop and present information, it can also be done without using electronic technology. Posters, markers, and note cards may be substituted. Virtual Implementation
  • Presentation software that allows many people to access and edit simultaneously is necessary. Google Slides is one such application.
  • Breakout rooms in virtual meetings will need to be used to create a space for teams to work on their presentations.
  • All documents, such as the presentation expectations, rubrics, and audience note catcher should be made available electronically.


Step 1:

Introduce Protocol  Share the following information with participants:
  • Part of the work as a collective is to encourage content presentations that will share information and input, help us learn from each other, and share stories of successes and challenges. It is a way we can learn from each other.
  • Explain the purpose and topic of the presentation and review the expectations handout and/or presentation rubric. Allow participants to ask questions and get clarification before they begin.

Step 2:

Presentation Development (45 minutes+)
  • Depending on the length of the presentations, multiple planning meetings may be needed for teams to complete the development of their presentations.
  • Teams should begin their work by reviewing the expectations/rubric and developing an outline for their presentation. 
Note: Teams should be encouraged to include all members in the presentation building AND the formal presentation. All team members should have a voice and be part of formally presenting as well as contributing to the content and development of the presentation. Facilitators should encourage teams to select more than one person to do the talking.
  • Teams that are larger than three (3) people should consider dividing the tasks needed to develop the presentation:
    • Slide building
    • Development of talking points
    • Content “finders” (this can be team members who find information, content, images, or other information the team needs to add to the presentation)
  • Teams should work together to complete their presentation slides, develop their talking points, and practice their presentation. Facilitators should circulate and provide support and guidance for the teams.

Step 3:

Team Presentations (Time determined by presentation length)
  • Before presentations begin, offer guidelines for being an audience member:
    • Encourage attentive and active listening
    • Provide expectations for providing feedback to the presenting team and/or asking questions
  • Provide participants with a note catcher or notetaking guide while listening to each presentation (see Resources for note catcher sample).
  • Have each team present. After each presentation, schedule time for questions and feedback. 
    • Audience members may use their note catcher to ask questions, affirm and compliment the team who presented, or offer constructive feedback. Formal ways to do this include the Plus/Delta protocol and the Circle-Square-Triangle Protocol (see Resources section for these protocols).

Resources & Further Reading

Note Catcher Plus/Delta Protocol Circle-Square-Triangle Protocol

Examples of Use

  • Teams share their Community Engagement Improvement process and progress.
  • Teams share their identified strengths and areas of growth.
  • Team or committee presents their analysis and recommendations to a group; for example, a parent advisory committee can share LCAP input with their local Board of Education.
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