Research has demonstrated a clear link between family and community engagement and positive academic outcomes. As more schools, districts, and state education agencies aim to engage communities in pursuit of improved student learning experiences and outcomes, increased attention has been paid to the role of relational trust and meaningful participation. These elements are particularly important to building community partnerships that help transform schools and districts into equitable systems that contribute to thriving students, families, and communities. In this module, participants will:
- Learn about California’s recent journey towards building statewide capacity for community engagement
- Understand the key frameworks that inform California’s approach to community engagement
- Consider how California’s community engagement approach applies to their work
- Reflect on examples of community engagement efforts in schools, districts, and county offices of education and consider how these examples might relate to your own experiences of community engagement and/or inspire new thinking.

This module was developed through a collaboration between CEI Lead Agency Partners and WestEd
Course Content
The California Way
Community Partnerships for Systems Change
Closing & Additional Resources