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      The CEI welcomes in districts and LEAs through a cohort model. Each Cohort makes a two year commitment learn and grow within the initiative, and many stay longer to share their expertise and facilitate the learning of newer cohorts.

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      The CEI is proud to offer a selection of CEI-created and curated resources and learning modules on a variety of topics designed to help educators strengthen their community engagement practices.

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Data Analysis & Adaptation

It’s been said that what gets measured is what gets monitored. It is vital to measure your community engagement outcomes in order to continue to make them highly effective with the ultimate goal of lifting community voice. To begin, start with your baseline of the community engagement processes you have in place (for example, how often do you hold student focus groups?), and track your progress over the school year. How might you increase the frequency of these practices? Additionally, what does engagement look like in these practices or settings. If attendance is low, talk with those in attendance about why they felt it was important to come, and spend time reaching out to those not in attendance to find out why they did not and if there are barriers to their participation. 

Beyond looking at these outcomes, ultimately look at what is happening with your students and their learning. Is attendance increasing or decreasing? How are academic outcomes? What about student engagement? 

As we established earlier, our goal is to see students and families thriving, and listening to their voice and embracing their aspirations is foundational in doing so. When students thrive, their success is visible and measurable.

For More Information

View our module "Progress Monitoring & Evaluation"
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