
Closing Thoughts, Next Steps, & Additional Resources

Community engagement as a site leader is essential in creating a culture focused on the whole child. The voice of those we serve should be at the forefront of our minds as we lead our schools. You may be thinking that you have decent engagement, or that you give opportunities for parents and caregivers to provide feedback, what we encourage through this work, however, is to think, where can we do better? When our community is engaged and feel trust and strong relationships the support and participation will only continue to grow. 

Let’s go back to those reflection questions at the beginning of our module:

How do I engage with myself and with others on difficult school issues?
What is the first thing that I think about when there is an issue with a student, staff, or family?
How do I respond to the unique challenges?
When push comes to shove, what leadership mindsets do I immediately lean into?
Do I believe that I can positively or negatively move a school community by what I say, don't say, do, or don't do.

Have any of your thoughts shifted? Where might you begin on your journey of strengthening community engagement as a site leader. What is one step I can take tomorrow to begin to shift engagement at my school? Make a plan and take action.

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