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Understanding K12 Accountability in California
Part 2

The California School Dashboard is an annual reporting tool to measure the performance and progress of every LEA. The Dashboard is like a report card for schools and school districts because it:

The California School Dashboard indicators are displayed below, organized into the 8 State Priorities.

1. Basic Services and Conditions at School
Measured by local indicator at the district level
2. Implementation of State Academic Standards
Measured by local indicator at the district level
3. Parent Engagement
Measured by local indicator at the district level
4. Student Achievement
Academic Achievement & English Learner Progress
5. Pupil Engagement
Graduation Rate and Chronic Absenteeism
6. School Climate
Measured by local indicator at the district level and Suspension Rate
7. Access to Broad Course of Study
Measured by local indicator at the district level
8. Outcomes in Broad Course of Study
College/Career Readiness
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Visitors to the California School Dashboard website can view results for individual schools as well as every LEA in the State.  Along with numeric schools and color ratings for the six indicators show above with icons, LEAs

Another important resource for reviewing data about schools and districts is a data reporting tool called Dataquest which is hosted on the California Department of Education website.  This tool provides multiple data for schools, districts, counties, and the State on multiple measures of accountability, assessments, enrollments, graduation and dropouts, college enrollment, school climate, staffing, student course enrollments, and other areas.

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