Building Background

Each local educational agency (LEA) is required to develop, adopt, and annually update a three-year Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), and must outline a detailed description of the goals for each student sub-group.


Research has outlined the following favorable outcomes associated with the successful implementation of a thoughtful community engagement process in the development of the LCAP:

  • Access to more comprehensive input to inform the identification of needs, planning, and program implementation
  • More informed decision-making
    Increased engagement of educational partners in implementing local plans
  • Development of long-term relationships with individuals and organizations that can support student learning and development
  • Increased empowerment of educational partners 
  • Improved family-school partnerships

Who is Involved

California law outlines the importance of involving local community members in writing/developing. And annually updating the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) and the budget process. To accomplish this, school districts and county offices of education collaborate with a range of stakeholders, described as, “Educational partners,” including teachers, principals, other school/district administrators, school personnel, local bargaining units, parents, students, and community partners.  This collaborative process, known as educational partner engagement, is designed to support Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) in strategic planning, accountability, and improvement of student outcomes through aligning both statewide and locally identified priorities.


Additional Requirements

While the development phase of the LCAP requires collaboration among the educational partners listed above, the collaboration doesn’t end there.  There are additional requirements that must be met before an LCAP’s approval. : The document must be presented to the Parent Advisory Committee, Special Education Local Plan Area administrators, and the English Learner Parent Advisory Committee for review and comment.  After providing their feedback, the superintendent is required to respond, in writing to the comments. 

In addition to consulting the educational partners listed above for comment and consideration, district and county offices are responsible for including other advisory committee input in the development process.  These groups include, but are not limited to, Student Advisory Committees, Community Advisory Committees, school-site-level advisory groups, the African American Advisory Committee, the American Indian Advisory Committee, etc.

Collective Outcomes

The collaborative goal is to develop plans that create the necessary conditions and support systems that will lead to improved outcomes for students.

Legal Requirement Information

Above we provided some basic background information related to the development and approval of the LCAP.  It is also important to have background knowledge related to the specific legal requirements for significant and purposeful engagement of parents, students, educators, and other educational partners, including those representing the student groups identified by LCFF

Significant and purposeful engagement of parents, students, educators, and other educational partners, including those representing the student groups identified by LCFF, is critical to the development of the LCAP and the budget process. Educational partners’ engagement should support strategic planning, accountability, and improvement across the state priorities and locally identified priorities (EC 52064(e)(1)). Educational partner engagement is an ongoing, annual, and strategic process.

The statute specifies the educational partners that school districts and COEs must consult when developing the LCAP

    1. Students 
    2. Parents
    3. Teachers
    4. Principals
    5. Administrators
    6. Other School Personnel
    7. Local Bargaining units of the LEA (not charters)
    8. SELPA
    9. Parents or legal guardians of currently enrolled pupils with disabilities in the school district” (District and COEs only)

Additionally, local Control and Accountability Plan requirements for county offices of education and school districts:

  • Present the local control and accountability plan to the parent advisory committee in accordance with Education Code section 52062(a)(1) or 52068(a)(1), as appropriate.
  • If applicable, present the local control and accountability plan to the English learner parent advisory committee, in accordance with Education Code section 52062(a)(2) or 52068(a)(2), as appropriate.
  • Notify members of the public of the opportunity to submit comments regarding specific actions and expenditures proposed to be included in the local control and accountability plan in accordance with Education Code section 52062(a)(3) or 52068(a)(3), as appropriate.
  • Hold at least one public hearing in accordance with Education Code section 52062(b)(1) or 52068(b)(1), as appropriate.
  • Adopt the local control and accountability plan in a public meeting in accordance with Education Code section 52062(b)(2) or 52068(b)(2), as appropriate.

Engaging Educational Partners - LCAP Development Resource

From the California Department of Education


This bill requires, beginning July 1, 2024, the governing board of a school district serving middle school or high school pupils and a county superintendent of schools to either include at least 2 pupils as full members of the parent advisory committee to serve for a renewable term of one full school year, or to establish a student advisory committee as specified. (Education Code Section 52063)

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