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  • About
    • CEI Structure

      The CEI welcomes in districts and LEAs through a cohort model. Each Cohort makes a two year commitment learn and grow within the initiative, and many stay longer to share their expertise and facilitate the learning of newer cohorts.

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    • Online Learning

      The CEI is proud to offer a selection of CEI-created and curated resources and learning modules on a variety of topics designed to help educators strengthen their community engagement practices.

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Community-Based Organization

A community-based organization (CBO) in the context of education refers to a non-profit or grassroots organization that operates within a specific community or locality and focuses on addressing educational needs and issues in that community. These organizations work collaboratively with community members, schools, parents, and other educational partners to enhance educational opportunities, support students, and improve overall outcomes. The CEI has CBO’s as part of their district/LEA team composition. This might include, but is not limited to, faith-based organizations, community food banks, after-school service providers, tutoring services, college and career readiness programs, and adult education services.

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