1 Initiative Background, Framework Description

This module will be designed to  provide a comprehensive understanding of the Community Engagement Initiative (CEI), a key  component of the California Statewide System of Support. It will offer an in-depth overview of  CEI, detailing its objectives and the role it plays in supporting communities across California. This  will help participants gain a clear understanding of the initiative and its significance within the  broader statewide system of support. In addition, the module will describe the Dual Capacity  Building Framework and the Participatory Systems Change for Equity Framework. These  frameworks are crucial for understanding how community engagement and equity are promoted  and achieved. The module will delve into the principles, strategies, and outcomes of these  frameworks, providing participants with a solid foundation on which to base their community  engagement efforts. The module will also provide an overview of the alignment of CEI’s  community engagement protocols with the DEI Community Engagement Best Practices Self-Assessment Tool/Rubric competencies and the Community Partnerships for Systems Change  Process Map. This will involve a detailed examination of how these elements interconnect and  support each other, enhancing the effectiveness of community engagement initiatives. This  module will include relevant links and checks for understanding throughout. Optional: end of  module quiz. 

2 Resource Guide Introduction

This module will be designed to provide an  understanding of the Resource Guide, starting with the rationale behind its development. It will  delve into the reasons and motivations that led to the creation of the guide, explaining why it is  a crucial tool for users. This will help participants appreciate the value and significance of the  guide in their work. Following this, the module will offer a high-level walkthrough of the Resource  Guide. This walkthrough will provide an overview of the guide’s structure and content, helping  users navigate it effectively. It will highlight the key sections and features of the guide, ensuring  that users can make the most of the resources it offers. The primary goal of this module is to  familiarize users with the Resource Guide’s four domains: The Challenge, Essential Conditions,  Policy & Program Goals, and Capacity Outcomes. Each of these domains represents a critical  aspect of the work users will be undertaking. The module will provide an overview of each  domain, explaining its significance, what it entails, and how it contributes to the overall  objectives. In addition, the module will describe the seven elements that align with each domain:  Connect, See & Center, Dream, Decide, Generate, Align, Learn & Grow. These elements represent  the key steps or actions users will need to take within each domain. The module will provide an  explanation of each element, describing what it involves and how it supports the corresponding  domain. This module will include relevant links and checks for understanding throughout.  Optional: end of module quiz.

3 Self-Assessment Tool/Rubric Introduction

This module will be designed to provide  an understanding of the Self-Assessment Tool/Rubric, starting with the reasoning behind its  development. It will delve into the motivations and objectives that led to the creation of this tool,  explaining its importance and the role it plays in facilitating effective self-assessment. This will  help participants appreciate the value of the tool and understand how it can enhance their work.  Following this, the module will offer a high-level walkthrough of the Self-Assessment Tool/Rubric.  This walkthrough will provide an overview of the tool’s structure and content, helping users  navigate it effectively. It will highlight the key sections and features of the tool, ensuring that  users can make the most of the resources it offers. The primary goal of this module is to  familiarize users with the Self-Assessment Tool/Rubric’s seven domains: Building Relationships,  Building Collective Efficacy, Shared Power and Decision-Making, Operations, Systems, Structures,  and Resourcing the Work, Families and Co-Educators, Participatory Practices with Students, and  Community as Collaborators. Each of these domains represents a critical aspect of the work users  will be undertaking. The module will provide an overview of each domain, explaining its  significance, what it entails, and how it contributes to the overall objectives. This module will  include relevant links and checks for understanding throughout. Optional: end of module quiz.

4 Building Relationships Domain

This module will be designed to delve further into  the domain of Building Relationships, offering a comprehensive overview of its five  competencies. It will also present insight into the practical execution of these competencies and  methods to operationalize the domain. This means that participants will not only learn about the  competencies theoretically but will also gain insights into how they can be applied in real-world  scenarios. Additionally, this will feature how-to and situational examples. These examples will  serve as practical illustrations, helping participants visualize how the competencies can be put  into action. They will cover a range of scenarios, ensuring that participants are well-equipped to  handle diverse situations. Lastly, the module will offer actionable recommendations. These will  serve as a guide for participants, providing them with concrete steps they can take to effectively  build relationships. These recommendations will be based on best practices and expert insights,  ensuring that participants are equipped with the most effective strategies for relationship  building. To ensure a thorough understanding, the module will also include relevant links and  checks for understanding throughout. These will provide additional resources for learning and  allow participants to assess their grasp of the material as they progress through the module.  Optional: end of module quiz. 

5 Building Collective Efficacy Domain

This module will be designed to delve deeper  into the domain of Building Collective Efficacy, providing a comprehensive overview of its five  competencies. These competencies, which are integral to fostering collective efficacy, will be  thoroughly examined to give participants a clear understanding of their importance and practical  application. In addition, the module will offer insights into the practical execution of these  competencies, outlining methods to operationalize the domain. This means that participants will  not only gain theoretical knowledge about the competencies but will also learn how they can be  implemented in real-world situations. To further enhance understanding, the module will feature  a variety of how-to and situational examples. These examples will serve as practical illustrations,  helping participants visualize how the competencies can be put into action. They will cover a  range of scenarios, ensuring that participants are well-prepared to handle diverse situations.  Furthermore, the module will provide actionable recommendations. These will serve as a  roadmap for participants, offering them concrete steps they can take to effectively build  collective efficacy. These recommendations will be based on best practices and expert insights,  ensuring that participants are equipped with the most effective strategies for fostering collective  efficacy. To ensure a thorough understanding, the module will also include relevant links and  checks for understanding throughout. These will provide additional resources for learning and  allow participants to assess their grasp of the material as they progress through the module.  Optional: end of module quiz.

6 Shared Power and Decision-Making Domain

This module will be designed to delve  into the domain of Shared Power and Decision-Making, offering a comprehensive overview of its  seven competencies. These competencies, which form the backbone of effective shared power  and decision-making, will be thoroughly explored to give participants a clear understanding of their significance and application. The module will shed light on the practical execution of these  competencies, detailing methods to operationalize the domain. This means that participants will  not only learn about the competencies theoretically but will also gain insights into how they can  be applied in real-world scenarios. To further enhance understanding, the module will feature a  variety of how-to and situational examples. These examples will serve as practical illustrations,  helping participants visualize how the competencies can be put into action. They will cover a  range of scenarios, ensuring that participants are well-equipped to handle diverse situations.  Lastly, the module will offer actionable recommendations. These will serve as a guide for  participants, providing them with concrete steps they can take to effectively implement shared  power and decision-making. These recommendations will be based on best practices and expert  insights, ensuring that participants are equipped with the most effective strategies for this  domain. To ensure a thorough understanding, the module will also include relevant links and  checks for understanding throughout. These will provide additional resources for learning and  allow participants to assess their grasp of the material as they progress through the module.  Optional: end of module quiz.

7 Operations, Systems, Structures, and Resourcing the Work

This module will be  designed to delve further into the domain of Operations, Systems, Structures, and Resourcing  the Work, offering a comprehensive overview of its four competencies. These competencies,  which are integral to the effective management and execution of work, will be thoroughly  examined to give participants a clear understanding of their importance and practical application.  In addition, the module will offer insights into the practical execution of these competencies,  outlining methods to operationalize the domain. This means that participants will not only gain  theoretical knowledge about the competencies but will also learn how they can be implemented  in real-world situations. To further enhance understanding, the module will feature a variety of  how-to and situational examples. These examples will serve as practical illustrations, helping  participants visualize how the competencies can be put into action. They will cover a range of  scenarios, ensuring that participants are well-prepared to handle diverse situations.  Furthermore, the module will provide actionable recommendations that will serve as a roadmap.  These recommendations will be based on best practices and expert insights, ensuring that  participants are equipped with the most effective strategies for this domain. To ensure a  thorough understanding, the module will also include relevant links and checks for understanding  throughout. These will provide additional resources for learning and allow participants to assess  their grasp of the material as they progress through the module. Optional: end of module quiz.

8 Families as Co-Educators

This module will be designed to delve further into the  domain of Families as Co-Educators, offering a comprehensive overview of its four competencies.  These competencies, which are fundamental to the effective involvement of families in the  educational process, will be thoroughly explored to give participants a clear understanding of  their significance and application. Moreover, the module will shed light on the practical execution  of these competencies, detailing methods to operationalize the domain. This means that  participants will not only learn about the competencies theoretically but will also gain insights into how they can be applied in real-world scenarios. To further enhance understanding, the  module will feature a variety of how-to and situational examples. These examples will serve as  practical illustrations, helping participants visualize how the competencies can be put into action.  They will cover a range of scenarios, ensuring that participants are well-equipped to handle  diverse situations. Lastly, the module will offer actionable recommendations. These will serve as  a guide for participants, providing them with concrete steps they can take to effectively involve  families as co-educators. These recommendations will be based on best practices and expert  insights, ensuring that participants are equipped with the most effective strategies for this  domain. To ensure a thorough understanding, the module will also include relevant links and  checks for understanding throughout. These will provide additional resources for learning and  allow participants to assess their grasp of the material as they progress through the module.  Optional: end of module quiz.

9 Participatory Practices with Students

This module will be designed to delve further  into the domain of Participatory Practices with Students, offering a comprehensive overview of  its four competencies. These competencies, which are integral to fostering active student  participation, will be thoroughly examined to give participants a clear understanding of their  importance and practical application. In addition, the module will offer insights into the practical  execution of these competencies, outlining methods to operationalize the domain. This means  that participants will not only gain theoretical knowledge about the competencies but will also  learn how they can be implemented in real-world situations. To further enhance understanding,  the module will feature a variety of how-to and situational examples. These examples will serve  as practical illustrations, helping participants visualize how the competencies can be put into  action. They will cover a range of scenarios, ensuring that participants are well-prepared to  handle diverse situations. Furthermore, the module will provide actionable recommendations.  These will serve as a roadmap for participants, offering them concrete steps they can take to  effectively implement participatory practices with students. These recommendations will be  based on best practices and expert insights, ensuring that participants are equipped with the  most effective strategies for this domain. To ensure a thorough understanding, the module will  also include relevant links and checks for understanding throughout. These will provide  additional resources for learning and allow participants to assess their grasp of the material as  they progress through the module. Optional: end of module quiz.

10 Community as Collaborators

This module will be designed to delve further into the  domain of Community as Collaborators, offering a comprehensive overview of its five  competencies. These competencies, which are fundamental to effective collaboration with the  community, will be thoroughly explored to give participants a clear understanding of their  significance and application. The module will shed light on the practical execution of these  competencies, detailing methods to operationalize the domain. This means that participants will  not only learn about the competencies theoretically but will also gain insights into how they can  be applied in real-world scenarios. To further enhance understanding, the module will feature a  variety of how-to and situational examples. These examples will serve as practical illustrations, helping participants visualize how the competencies can be put into action. They will cover a  range of scenarios, ensuring that participants are well-equipped to handle diverse situations. The  module will offer actionable recommendations. These will serve as a guide for participants,  providing them with concrete steps they can take to effectively collaborate with the community.  These recommendations will be based on best practices and expert insights, ensuring that  participants are equipped with the most effective strategies for this domain. To ensure a  thorough understanding, the module will also include relevant links and checks for understanding  throughout. These will provide additional resources for learning and allow participants to assess  their grasp of the material as they progress through the module. Optional: end of module quiz.

11 Self-Assessment Tool/Rubric Comprehensive Review

This module will provide a  comprehensive review of modules four through 10, including a reexamination of essential  components of each domain to ensure a thorough understanding of the topic. This module will  include authentic examples and challenge the user to distill learned information to support  meaningful engagement in the seven domains and sub-categories of competencies. The goal of  this module is to equip district leaders with the knowledge they need to support the continuous  improvement of community engagement efforts. It aims to provide them with the tools and  insights they need to effectively implement and enhance community engagement strategies in  their districts. To ensure a thorough understanding, the module will also include relevant links  and checks for understanding throughout. These will provide additional resources for learning  and allow participants to assess their grasp of the material as they progress through the module. Optional: end of module quiz.

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