
Root 4: Committed and consistent district and school leaders

What this root looks like:

  • Districts and schools have leaders who prioritize effective community engagement
  • Districts and schools have leaders spread across the district who are implementing effective community engagement
  • Districts and schools express a genuine commitment to sharing power
  • Districts and schools stay committed to effective community engagement in good times AND in difficult times
  • Districts and schools are willing to address the hard conversations of power, privilege, race, and class in order to serve all students

Mike Serban, Director of Family and Community Engagement, Cajon Valley Union School District, on Root 4 in his district.


Which two descriptions are examples of what Root 4 looks like in practice?

Districts and schools welcome student/family interest groups, even if there are many,


Districts and schools prioritize their time and resources toward relationships


Districts and schools work to include and empower families and students who have differences in their sense of agency and empowerment in schools,


Districts and schools measure success by results, not merely effort (“we tried”)


Districts and schools avoid the use of jargon and “education speak”,


Districts and schools ensure that staff have a deep understanding of school sites and their services (which is where many students and parents want to engage)


Districts and schools have leaders who prioritize effective community engagement,


Districts and schools express a genuine commitment to sharing power


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