Protocol Toolkit Item: 7c


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This protocol provides a structure for examining data. It allows participants to reflect on and interpret data, share their observations, and make collective meaning. It leads to decision-making based on the data and protocol experience.


  • ORID Participant Document
  • Group Working Agreements or Norms
  • Individual copies of data to be examined 


50-60 Minutes


The ORID process for examining data is structured, focused, and results in decisions about the next steps for the group. The acronym ORID reflects the four phases of the process as follows:
  • Objective phase: What do we know about this?
  • Reflective phase: How do we feel about this?
  • Interpretive phase: What does it mean for my district/school/classroom/community?
  • Decisional phrase: What are we going to do?
In addition, a Process Reflection component at the end allows participants to reflect on the protocol itself. The ORID method was developed by Laura Spencer of the Institute of Cultural Affairs (USA) and is based on the Kolb Experiential Learning Model (Kolb, 1984). Laura Spencer is the author of Winning Through Participation (1989), which details the ORID method. Brian Stanfield further developed the technique in his book, The Art of Focused Conversation (2000). Several other education-based organizations and authors have used and refined the ORID method, including Christine Hogan (2003), in her book Practical Facilitation: A Toolkit of Techniques (Ch. 3) and resources from Learning Forward and Stanford University’s School of Education.   The ORID protocol works best in small groups of 4-8 people. Large groups should be broken into smaller teams. When first learning the ORID process, it is best to have a facilitator walk through the steps and keep track of time. As participants become more familiar with the protocol, they can use it without formal facilitation. The data the group will be examining needs to be prepared and copied. Data should be in a format that is easy for all participants to review and understand. Be aware of the amount of data that is shared. It is easier for participants to examine and deeply understand small chunks of data rather than being provided large amounts that can seem overwhelming in one sitting. Virtual Implementation
  • Teams must meet in breakout rooms as they work through the protocol.
  • Electronic versions of the data will need to be available for participants.
  • If participants are unfamiliar with ORID, each breakout room will need a facilitator.
  • Electronic versions of the ORID Participant Document must be shared with all participants.


Step 1:

Introduce Protocol (1-5 minutes) Share the following information with participants:
  • Introduce the ORID protocol with the information in the previous section.
  • Orient the participants to the data that they will be examining.
    • Describe the data (e.g., standardized test scores, attendance rates, or survey results) and how to read the data document(s). It may be helpful to display a copy and visually describe how to read the data tables and/or graphs.
Note: By orienting participants to the data and how it is organized, participants will be better able to complete the protocol steps. Participants will spend more time on the four steps of the protocol instead of trying to understand how to “read” the data.

Step 2:

Review group working agreements and outcomes (2-5 minutes)
  • Review group working agreements or norms. 
  • Facilitator(s) states the desired outcome of data examination (e.g., “At the end of our time, we should collaboratively develop two recommendations or suggested goals that we can refine and communicate to district leaders.”).
Note: If the group does not already have working agreements or group norms for professional collaboration, this should be done before beginning the ORID protocol.

Step 3:

ORID Review (2-3 min)
  • Distribute and review the ORID Participant Document. 
  • Remind the group that they will move through the process in order and dialogue around each phase, coming to a decision point at the last phase. 
  • Participants may go back and add to previous phases but are discouraged from moving ahead before the group.

Step 4:

Objective Phase (10-15 min)
  • Participants individually examine the data. Start with the broadest view, then move to more detailed data. An example might be data results for the entire district, then moving into data for each school, grade level, or student group.
  • Facilitator(s) should refer to questions on page 1 of the ORID Participant Document to guide questioning.
  • Facilitator(s) should also reference the Rough to Refine Observations Table on the last page of the ORID Participant Document.
  • Participants should spend 5-8 minutes writing their factual observations of the data on the Comments page (page 2) of the ORID Participant Document.
  • After all have had an opportunity to take a good first look at the data and write their observations. Participants will share those observations with the group.
  • Using a round-robin format (or another process that ensures all participants get a turn), participants will share what they have written in the O comments section of the ORID Participant Document.
  • When the dialogue seems to be coming to an end or time is up, move the group into the reflective phase.
  • Seamless transitions are often initiated through a facilitator’s synthesis of the conversation and offering new questions around reflection on data.

Step 5:

Reflective Phase (5-8 min)
  • Participants reflect on their reactions to the data, including questions and feelings about the data. They write their reactions in the R comments section of the ORID Participant Document.
  • Facilitator(s) should refer to questions on page 1 of the ORID Participant Document to guide questioning.
  • Participants take a few moments to write individual responses.
  • Using a round-robin (or other) format, participants will share what they have written in the R comments section of the ORID Participant Document.
  • When the dialogue seems to be coming to an end or time is up, move the group into the interpretative phase.

Step 6:

Interpretive Phase (5-10 min)
  • Participants begin to make meaning from the data in this phase.
  • Participants individually note their interpretations of the data- why it shows what it does, insights, good news, challenges, and big ideas. 
  • Facilitator(s) should refer to questions on page 1 of the ORID Participant Document to guide questioning.
  • Participants take a few moments to write individual responses.
  • Using a round-robin (or other) format, participants will share what they have written in the I comments section of the ORID Participant Document.
  • When the dialogue seems to be coming to an end or time is up, move the group into the decision phase.

Step 7:

Decision Phase (5-15 min)
  • Participants take a minute or two to write their ideas for decisions, next steps, or possible group actions/goals in the D comments section of the ORID Participant Document.
  • Using a round-robin (or other) format, participants will share what they have written in the D comments section.
  • The group then discusses possible next steps and decides on specific actions that will be taken.
  • The decision should be made through consensus. All participants must support and commit to the group actions/goals.
  • Finalize by having the group write out the decision.

Step 8:

Protocol Reflection- Pluses, Deltas & Repeats (3-5 min)
  • This is a reflection of the protocol process, not of the data that was examined. This step allows the facilitator(s) to understand how well the protocol worked for the group and what might need to be changed the next time it is used.
  • Reflection comments can be done on the individual Protocol Reflection page of the ORID Participant Document or charted during a whole group reflection. 
  • Participants record and discuss pluses (+) which are the aspects they liked about the protocol, how it helped them, and what “worked.”
  • Participants record and discuss minuses () which are the aspects of the protocol that were not helpful, didn’t support understanding, or are areas for improvement in implementing the ORID protocol in the future.
  • Participants can use consensus (thumbs up, down, or sideways) to complete the Repeats section of the protocol reflection. The question being addressed in the Repeats section is, “Is this a protocol that worked for our group, and should we use it again?” Groups can also agree to use a protocol again with modifications.
Note:  Insist on individual thinking time and recording of thoughts before discussion in each phase. Use strategies to ensure all group members are contributing to the discussion, round-robin format or a “popcorn” strategy where a participant selects the person who will share next. Use synthesis and questioning to move the group from one phase to the next.

Resources & Further Reading

Examples of Use

  • This protocol can be used with all data types, qualitative or quantitative. 
  • This protocol can be used to help groups examine and provide input and feedback on budget information.
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