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Protocol Toolkit Item: 4c


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This protocol expands communication and understanding between participants as they collaboratively develop an illustration of what community engagement means to them. This protocol is also one that contributes to relationship-building.


  • Drawing paper
  • Multi-colored markers 
  • Virtual option: Online drawing application


30 Minutes


Large-sized drawing paper or poster paper should be used for this protocol. All participants should be able to view the completed drawings during team presentations or as part of a Gallery Walk. Sets of colored markers should be prepared and provided to each team.   Facilitator(s) may opt to have participants create an electronic illustration (see Virtual Implementation below). Participants will need to create electronic drawings for a virtual implementation of this protocol. Electronic illustrations can be displayed for all participants to see while the team shares.   Participants should be divided into teams of approximately 3-6 people. The teams can be randomly created or created based on a participant’s role (parent/family members, student, teachers, administrators, etc.). Teams should be developed to promote the sharing of diverse ideas and perspectives.   Note: The time needed for this protocol can vary depending on the number of teams and the length of a team’s presentation. Adjustments may have to be made to the timeframe.   Virtual Implementation
  • An electronic whiteboard or slide can be used for virtual meetings. Options that work well for this protocol include Jamboard and Padlet, but a Google document or Google slides can also work for this protocol.
  • Important Note: Each team will need to have its own document or slide that is accessible to all members of the team.
  • Breakout rooms will need to be created for teams.


Step 1:

Introduce Protocol (2-3 min) Share the following information with participants before the presentation:  
  • The group will now focus on sharing our understanding of community engagement. As we create our illustrations, we will gain clarity on our individual and group ideas about what community engagement means to us.
  • The group will be put into teams, and each team will have 15 minutes to create an illustration of what community engagement means to them. All voices and ideas from team members should contribute to the illustration.
  • When the illustrations are finished, each team will have 1-2 minutes to present and describe the illustration to the whole group. 
    • Teams should take a minute to decide who the presenter(s) will be.
  • Ask all participants to begin to think about their answer to the following question:
    • What does community engagement mean to you?
    • Allow participants a minute or two to reflect on their responses.
    • Illustrations will be visual representations of participants’ responses.

Step 2:

Team Illustration Creation (15 min)
  • The facilitator(s) should put the group into their teams and allow them 15 minutes to work on their illustrations. 
  • Ideas should build off participants’ responses to the questions asked during the protocol introduction.
  • When 1-minute remains, remind teams to finish their illustrations and select team members to present.
  • Bring all participants back to the whole group after 15 minutes.

Step 3:

Illustration Presentations (10-15 min)
  • Each team presents their illustration and hangs it on a wall or board when they finish. All illustrations will be displayed in the room at the end of the presentations.

Resources & Further Reading

Examples of Use

  • This protocol can use a Gallery Walk protocol in place of team presentations. 
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