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  • About
    • CEI Structure

      The CEI welcomes in districts and LEAs through a cohort model. Each Cohort makes a two year commitment learn and grow within the initiative, and many stay longer to share their expertise and facilitate the learning of newer cohorts.

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    • Online Learning

      The CEI is proud to offer a selection of CEI-created and curated resources and learning modules on a variety of topics designed to help educators strengthen their community engagement practices.

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CCEE Learning Paths

We’ve created these learning paths to provide you with a coherent learning experience, bringing together a variety of resources and media that support specific learning objectives. 

In this learning path, we’ve distilled the essential understandings necessary to begin planning for and implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL). It’s a 30,000 ft. view of UDL – the why, what, and how – and guidance for beginning your journey as a school or district. 


This learning path is brought to you by:

The California Collaborative for Educational Excellence

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The San Joaquin County Office of Education

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