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  • About
    • CEI Structure

      The CEI welcomes in districts and LEAs through a cohort model. Each Cohort makes a two year commitment learn and grow within the initiative, and many stay longer to share their expertise and facilitate the learning of newer cohorts.

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    • Online Learning

      The CEI is proud to offer a selection of CEI-created and curated resources and learning modules on a variety of topics designed to help educators strengthen their community engagement practices.

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Dual Capacity Building Framework (DCBF)

Based on existing research and best practices, the Dual Capacity-Building Framework (DCBF) for Family-School Partnerships (Version 2) is designed to support the development of family engagement strategies, policies, and programs. CEI uses the DCBF as a model to establish shared language around the improvement of relationships. Educational partners often use the word “Capacity” to describe a person or organization’s ability to accomplish a desired result. The DCBF expands on the definition of “Capacity” so that interest holders can more effectively target their improvement strategies and goals.


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